Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Standing Ground

September 26, 2012
That butt which I still have to claim as a husband came home with boxes for me. Said he would give me 400 dollars for a new place to live. I told him I wasn't leaving. I HAVE NO MONEY AND THIS IS MY DAMN HOUSE.  He asked if I could just go stay with someone. I told him he could. He just got mad. I don't think its fair that I have to leave, and uproot in the middle of my senior semester of college. I don't want to be around him, but truth is, I don't have money to get a new place and 400 dollars is a joke. I make 500 dollars a month. I told him I would try and find a place. I am trying. I think I found somewhere to go. But I don't know how badly I want to. I know that legally if I leave, its abandonment. He said he hasn't talked to a lawyer. But he is being tricky. I can tell something else is going on. Why does he need me out so badly? I picked out this house. I found it randomly online the day it went on the market. I planted the trees and painted the walls. And now I have to get out because my husband is too much of a coward to face marriage. Life is unfair.

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